24 August 2014

Shades of Venetian Rose (Pink Part II)

As you can see, the sun did come out in Venice...interesting to contrast the cooler pinks on my first day there with the photos I took on a sunnier day. While pink is not a color I am normally drawn to (unless it's as "hot" as pink can be, as in fuchsia), I do love the endless rosy shades everywhere you look in Venice. In fact, I realized on this trip that Venice wouldn't be Venice without pink!


{P.S. I haven't made it to see everyone else's PINK yet,
but am looking forward to this month's ROY G BIV tour.}

21 August 2014

Strawberry pink


Now that we've gone through the whole rainbow, ROY G BIV photo challenge founding artists Jennifer Coyne Qudeen & Julie Booth have proposed we continue with some additional colors for the remaining months of the year. August's color is pink, and there are few pink things (maybe no pink things!) I like better than a strawberry gelato. Recorded with my daughter's cell phone earlier this month (hence the not-so-great resolution), I do wish I could share a taste of the cono di gelato alla fragola. This one is from a gelateria my daughter and I discovered when we started going out to Gavinana (a suburb of Florence) to refill our contact lens prescriptions; while we usually grumble about the time-consuming bus excursion, stopping in at Il Sorriso is always a sweet note. With a perfect balance of lightness, smoothness, creaminess and flavorful-ness, Il Sorriso's  gelato definitely ranks among our top few absolute favorites.


And on another note... Earlier this week I took the train to Venicea place where rosy shades aboundand collected a handful of pink-inspired photos as I made my way over to the Lido (spending a few beach days here has become a tradition each summer). Unfortunately the sun barely poked through the clouds the afternoon of my arrival, so before posting the photos I will see if I find some more light-filled shots before I leave. The weather has been a very un-summer-like, so fingers crossed!
But for now, here is a photo from earlier in the summer, taken from the balcony of our Rockaway Beach hotel (in Oregon, USA). What a delightful spot that was, with a sunset so delicate and gentle, and which seemed to last for hours...


{Guidelines are here if you would like to join in the extended ROY G BIV search.}

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