24 November 2016

It's been a long time...

It's been a long time since I've been to BloggerLand! And it feels so unfamiliar—either that, or things have actually changed. 

I've been working continuously/almost non-stop to launch my new online design studio, StudioMilledisegni. And what a ride it has been; after months of planning, designing, researching, inventing, editing, learning—you name it—I am finally ready to begin sharing all that I have been working on.

One of the most difficult things about a new adventure like this is that you never feel you are ready...so many ideas/wishes remain unrealized. My inclination was to keep broadening the range of designs and items that I wanted to offer, and throughout the last year I have waffled between thinking "it's still not enough!" and "wow—look how far I have come." I'm sure anyone who has ever gone through a similar experience can relate to the extremes of emotions (as well as the sheer exhaustion). Being the kind of person who enjoys handling every aspect of her projects, I found myself thriving from the challenge, but oftentimes it all felt like way too much for one person.

It almost seems like a miracle that this day actually arrived; a few things checked off today's to-do list should have been addressed months ago! And others have yet to be done—I couldn't believe it when the studio went quiet (suddenly there was no music) and my computer screen went blank. A moment later a message appeared, saying that my computer had "encountered a problem" and needed to be restarted...so part of a very busy day's work was lost (haven't we all been there?). And then there was the sun that failed to appear during my final photo session for the cards. This means I will be re-photographing them, but at least there was enough light to convey the gist (one of the photos is shown at the top of this post). I would have loved to put together some tutorials and free downloads...and finish the many designs still in progress, but for now, it is time to launch StudioMilledisegni in its fledgling form!

I am beginning a new blog over at the StudioMilledisegni website, but may post the entries over here as well for the moment. I've been enjoying Instagram-ing lately, but continue to find it quite limiting in terms of giving context to the images (and I do miss writing!). It's often occurred to me to post my favorite IG photos here and "expand" on them a bit. We shall see!

And one thing is sure—I have missed visiting other blogs these past many months. I hope to be making the rounds soon!

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